Ally as Yoda!
"Try not. Do or do not, there is no try."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Of Ironstar Interest
Race Renderings

Posted by
7:01 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Professional Pivot Point
Inquiring Minds
Now that Pinkgurugal has made it official that I'm checking out of my "real world" come January, the questions keep coming, like...
"What are you going to do now?..."
"How will you finance your trip?..."
"Who's taking care of your dog?..."
So why are you walking away from TV NEWS?..."
blah blah blah....
Then something totally bizarro happened, and it all came back to me.
My engineer I worked with yesterday pulled out this photo he took of me almost a year ago.
Picture not so perfect
Posted by
11:04 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
No nonsense news
A Reflective Realization
Four months ago when pinkgurugal started journaling, it was mostly for fun. Well, blogging has been more to me than I could have imagined.
Going through my past blogs crystallized what matters most to me: relationships and experiences.
It has been great to be able to write not just in jest, but in the spirit of positive energy and optimism. I have a great outlook on life now. But as life goes, it didn't always come this easy.
I read some of the quotes I included after each post. Some gave me chills.
Having said how incredible this year has been, I am closing the chapter on another part of my life to begin a new one. And that's my professional career.
This week I announced my permanent departure.
Fade to Black
For the last 15 years, I pursued a career in the TV news industry. From a meager intern, to a writer, to a reporter and anchor, in places far away and near, it has been an incredible ride.
It was my passion. But my passions, as you may have read, have evolved.

Posted by
4:00 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Random Ramblings
Face off
I am going on two weeks with a new visiting friend on my face that won't go away. I shall name this ... Pinkgurugal's pimple that won't go away. How is it that at 34 years old, I am suffering from teenage breakout? Please pimple, please leave the premises of my face. I need to look pretty for the prom....
Race so Unready
My 2007 triathlon season culminates this weekend. My FINAL triathlon of the year is Sunday's local Ironstar half Ironman. I can hardly believe this year has come and gone, and I still can't shake the fact that little me finished my first Ironman last month....crazy....
Firstly, let me say that while I harbor little if any nerves, I have NOT properly trained for this race...AT ALL.
Truth be told, my training went from 15-20 hours down to maybe 8-12 hours weekly. I'm not necessarily proud of this, but I backed way off. Lemme' 'splain....
'Splain It
Well for starters, I have actually had a semblance of a normal social life...and that means I actually went to dinner and treated myself to a few drinks, or two, or three... someone recently mentioned that I talk way too much about my penchant for beer. It's true. I like the sauce.
Anyhoo, all I'm saying is that over the last few weeks, if I didn't want to train in the morning (like this morning), I wouldn't. Of course, that would make me feel guilty, leaving me to run/ride/swim in the evenings. But I am on no real schedule, so whatever...
Oh and here's something else, my back hurts :(
I have been stretching, but this core workout commitment I made to myself 6 weeks ago to do abs three times a week is not going so well. I wish I had a 24-7 personal trainer.
Ironbabe Jane mentioned in her blog that the weather is getting cold in Houston. It's been gorgeous, with lows in the 50 in the mornings, warming to the mid 70's by midday.
Didn't that sound so meteorologist-like? :)
At any rate, her post about what to wear for this race brought me back to last year. Because last year, the Ironstar was my FIRST half ironman ever, and I was a nervous wreck.
But when I finished, I thought, "this isn't so bad..."
And then I wanted to do more...and more... and more.
Don't worry Jane, treat it like any other race, just get arm warmers and you should be fine.
I rambled too much on this one. Maybe I'll just go for a run the next time. Or drink another beer.
Cheers and happy training!
"Be the person your dog thinks you are"
unknown (and displayed in Liam's room)
Posted by
9:00 AM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Aim for the Heart
Fraternizing with the Feds
Pinkgurugal's roommate Liam invited me to have a few beers with some friends in town
This is Sweet Jim and his cohort Jean. I met Sweet Jim a few weeks ago during one of his other visits.
They are here investigating some pretty top secret stuff.
Jim is all smiles because he and his wife are expecting their first child, little sweet Jim. :)
They talked "bid'ness" over a game of darts. Jim aims to win. Word is he's a bulldog in court.
Straight Shooter
My game was not so good. I have NO hand/eye cooordination. That's why I run, bike and swim. Not much required.
Posted by
9:24 AM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Boys on Bikes
Strollin and Rollin
On Sunday Pinkgurugal headed to the country with... and rode "behind"...
Could this be....
Red Allez Guy and White English Boy?
Yes, Red Allez Guy and I called truce Sunday and together we all rode. I snapped these snapshots of this cute couple as they were riding into the woods. For some reason I lost them during the ride...somewhere in the backwoods... for quite some time. hmmmm...
I got a little bored so took this fuzzy and silly self portrait
After the boys resurfaced, we took a halfway break at the country store. I snapped these photos of our bikes and thought... HOLY CRAP!...these three bikes are worth MORE than my car!
I am guesstimating this is easily 15 THOUSAND DOLLARS in bikes....or it's likely more if you include all the upgrades.
So that got me to thinking about how triathletes and cyclists drop big bucks for a nice ride. I recently read that cycling is the new golf. In other words, like golf clubs, cycling enhusiasts want the best.
I had no clue when I started cycling...
But consider this: amortize my investment into my pink guru and into number of days I have and will be on it, and the cost is nominal..if not negligible.
Good, rationalizing it just made me feel better...
We feel good after we cycle.
Not bad for a day of truce.
“The sages do not consider that making no mistakes is a blessing. They believe, rather, that the great virtue of man lies in his ability to correct his mistakes and continually to make a new man of himself. “~Wang Yang-Ming
Posted by
12:39 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
The "Dyer" Consequences

Wayne Dyer is a spiritualist who has inspired millions. While I have only seen him speak on PBS and have never read any of his THIRTY ONE books, attending this talk resonated with me.

You know, that whole "there are no accidents" thing, the"letting go" talk, the "quit worrying and change your attitude" stuff.
I know it's self helpy, but I like to help myself to spiritual growth and development
But the bulk of Dyer's talk was about taking Taoism and applying it to our lives. I didn't know this, and ironically, Taoism is the embodiment of my belief and value system.
Pinkgurugal's Readers Digest version of Taoism

Posted by
5:27 PM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Cultivating Crisis
Suffering from a raging mold spore allergy headache, Pinkgurugal decided to sooth the brain by pulling out (once again) my.... NEVERENDING PILES OF MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS
These magazines are good for the occasional tips on injury prevention, shoes, profiles and eye candy watch.
Other than that they are just magazines filled with fitness product ads. I don't know why I subscribe to them, I just do because, what if I miss out?
I think I get Triathlon life for free though.
Fitness and National Geographic Adventure
I have no clue why Fitness comes to my house. It's always the same old rhetoric: drop ten pounds, toning tips, blah blah blah...
Now NG Adventure is a MUST. GREAT travel tips.
I usually tear out the places I'd like to/will visit and stick it in a folder.
This is my other LOVE :travel.
WANDERLUST. Isn't that a German word, HINT HINT? :)
Outside and National Geographic Traveler
Outside: An ALL TIME favorite!
Great articles that feed my need to explore. Terrific writers and lots of cool photography.
My love for this magazine began in 1997 when I became obsessed with the Mt. Everest disaster. I swear I must have been a mountaineer in a past life, because I've never climbed, and I grew up the daughter or immigrant parents living in Texas. Strange...
The article written by Jon Krakauer left such an indelible impression on me. That desire to test your boundaries and that mystical oneness with nature greatly appeal to me.
One day I WILL hike to base camp. Or when I'm ready to DIE maybe I'll head further up. Anyone up for the challenge?
NG Traveler: Just like its NG Adventure counterpart, this magazine also has cool travel ideas.
This month there is a spread about my own homeland, Vietnam. I'm heading there next year. I can't wait.
Now to Pinkgurugal's need for...
Current Events Cultivation
Time and Newsweek
You HAVE TO keep up with what's going on around you and your world. I mainly choose these weekly magazines because they are relatively easy reads written by decent journalists. A liberal bent? Maybe, but my centrist ways allow me to read between the lines.
And finally....
The New Yorker
If you haven't picked up this read, I would highly suggest it. Although I won't suggest subscribing unless you are retired and have a lot of time on your hands.
This magazine is arguably one of the best. The writing is nothing short of excellent, and you'll always read something interesting, be it a short story or an investigative piece.
Not to mention the sketches. Gotta love Ahmadinejad on last week's cover.
I have more of these magazines than any other. Again, I HATE to waste a good read.
Between a job, triathlon training, Vietnamese lessons, friends, family, and a sometimes semblance of a social life, I hate to admit my many magazines continue to sit there, as if to say, "please read me, please!"
Cheers and happy training, or reading on my part!
'Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.' - Albert Einstein
Posted by
7:17 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Crank it Up
Chelly's Chains Monday night was date night with Kelly, i.e. "The Chelly". I made chicken "a la Foreman grill" style.
Not that I know anything about cleaning my chain. I took some lube and cleaner fluid stuff, put drops on each chain and spun with an old towel on it.
That's how we clean chains, right?
Then I wiped down the rest of a bike, and in hard to reach areas, I used a good old tooth brush, which I used on my teeth before I went to bed. Mmmm... did I say that? :)
Then I told Kelly to do the same thing. The only man in the house, Jasper, was no help.
Neither was Ally, who had better things to do, like sleep.
Oh the Chelly. Now go get us that man! :)
Cheers and happy training!
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being." - Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe
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10:38 PM