Yep, my studly galpal is that fast that she got a slot.
Now for you non-triathletes out there (sorry, you don't what you're missing)...this is like the superbowl of the half ironman race.
While the meager Ironstar half ironman officially ended my season a few weeks, this race ends hers.
A full race report will follow when I will ask The Chelly to be a guest writer, but here are her results.
1324/1181/946 (these are her ranks as she finished each part of race: swim, bike and run...notice how her rank just gets better and better and she passes 378 people!)
:40:44 SWIM
2:39:22 BIKE
1:38:05 RUN
5:04:04 TOTAL
Kelly, We are all SO proud of you. What an amazing race year it has been for you. Thank you for making this ironman journey with me. I love you!
Now let's go do some well deserved partying!
Cheers and happy training!
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing." Abraham Lincoln
Kelly is awesome. The only problem is that she always finishes faster than I expect, so I miss her finishing on Ironman live!
5:04... Holy crap... she's a machine out there!!!! Good Job!!
Now i'm off to the pool! Nothing like a kick a$$ finish to motivate a brotha!!
Yeah. I wanna be like Kelly when I grow up. I don't even know what that kind of speed and power feels like.
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