Thursday, January 24, 2008

Give the Gal some Tylenol!

Dizzying Days
Today is February 4th and thus continues another day in the leisurely life of pinkgurugal. Of course, leisure is what one makes of it.
And so far my life feels anything but leisurely.
The last two days have me sleeping in, waking up with RAGING HEADACHES. I mean, the kind that feels like a dagger is stuck in the middle of your brain.
So yesterday I wasted my day away reading and sleeping for pretty much the ENTIRE day.
Today I was somewhat productive, making a few appointments and having lunch with a dear old friend. And wouldn't you know, she's on work hiatus too. Always fun to compare notes about how one spends the day away when unemployed.
Oh and the other thing... I am so NOT fit these days.
On the Injured List?
Ever since my abysmal running of the Houston marathon, I have not stepped foot on the trails.
WHY? Well, my knees have not felt the same since that day. In fact, BOTH knees have been giving me problems. I keep thinking they are bruised, that those sharp shooting pains behind the knee caps will go away.
They haven't
Looks like it's time to head to an orthopedist.

Laptop Listlessness

I got a call from Geek Squad the other day and it looks my my laptop will remain on life support for another few weeks. I am now actually pondering the purchase of a new one.

That's because come February 21st, I am trekking


This weekend I finalized plans for the first leg of my trip, which will include Saipan, Vietnam and Hawaii.

I will be gone for about a month, and Rob plans to meet me in Saipan about three weeks into the journey.

I am so excited but a bit nervous at the same time. It has been seven years since I have been back to Vietnam, and this time I am going there alone. I plan to see my many relatives, the only real plans I have while there.

I am even pondering not reading up on anything at all , just showing up and going where the wind takes me.

I love spontaneous trips, devoid of any real itinerary but to wake up and go.

Oh, and a HUGE thanks to Jessica for helping me to figure out my blogging woes.

Suffice it to say the problem was with silly me this entire time. It was entirely something REALLY STUPID

I can now happily blog with photos and all.


Yeah, seriously. Even at the ripe old ages of 34 and 44, Rob and I were voted Cutest Couple by

I was such a geek in high school I consider this honor to be poetic justice.

Cheers and happy training!
Helen Adams Keller - “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.”

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