Ironbabe Jane has been nagging me to post something, even though not a whole lot has been going on in my life
Training Update
Mmmmm...what's that?
I have to put myself in the "working out" category these days, though I must admit to that Ironman itch after watching IM CDA online (see previous blog...where i am mmmmm... a bit too happy to watch Trigreyhound finish... let's just say some late night spirits were involved)
Anyhoo, I did sign up for another sprint tri this weekend, the Eastside sprint triathlon. Kelly and I raced in this one a few years ago. All I can remember is much roadkill and lots of sun during the swim.
Hopefully for this one pinkgurugal will go to bed early and refrain for those spirits (also see previous blog for this insider's reference)
So what have I been doing? Outside of waking up, working out and running errands, during this life of leisure I did manage to get accepted to graduate school.
Career Coming out
You might recall that late last year when I quit my career with no real plans other than to take some time off and travel, I had no idea what I was going to do next.
I just knew and trusted that everything would work itself out.
So ten or so months after that leap of faith, I ave a new career game plan.
Social Workings
The do gooder in me has decided that what makes this gal happiest is helping others. As ironic as it may seem, the most memorable reporter moments for me involved families in need getting help, or providing a voice to the poor or underprivileged.
So come August 21st, I will officially be a social work graduate student
And to be honest, making this decision wasn't something that was even well thought out. I actually feel it was inspired.
I mean, I literally woke up one morning, looked online and noticed the application deadline had passed!
. So there I was, scurrying to get everything together: application , 3 essays, transcripts, letters of reccommendation... take the GRE test.... I was able to get my application into the school within three days.
. .
I only share that portion of that story because that seems to be a consistent theme yet blessing in my life, and that is acting on impulse, yet knowing it's the right decision.
. .
I'm really looking forward to learning again, to doing something completely different from what I had been doing.
It's not glamorous. And I certainly am not doing this for the money. But I think the rewards reaped when one can help others are priceless..
And that means something. Cheers and happy training!
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