Monday, October 8, 2007

Finding my triathlon chi

Racing Ruminations Quelled It's official. In half ironman haste, not to mention some peer pressure from Ironbabe Jane. I signed up for the Ironstar half ironman. I told Jane she had to pressure me, since I was vascillating and I wasn't thrilled about this race for reasons I won't mention so as to not offend. But I was goal-less, and I felt kind of lost in my training. I can't sleep in on Sunday mornings. I can't take a break from training. It's now a part of me and there's no turning back. Not anymore. I'd be lying to myself. This is their funny logo.

Anyhoo, it's the last weekend on October, meaning Pinkgurugal will miss all those crazy halloween parties. But I have evolved. Once a perceived going out kind of girl, the true me now lies in wearing spandex, sporting bruises, having grease wedged in my nails, and not to mention devoid of any makeup all weekend.

Truth be told, I like this lifestyle so much better. Forget the image and glamour. Now I like to doll up just like the next girl, but I am so much more comfortable riding a bike than mingling with society types.

And I really, really don't care what people think. If you don't recognize that m-dot on my ankle, then you don't get what I'm about...or most triahletes for that matter.

You don't get that triathletes share common traits: not just the physical challange, but the quest to test your boundaries, to face your fears, to overachieve, to know that the tiny bit of time we have in this world is more than just work and trivial middle management, corporate chicanery.

It's about collecting experiences and relationships, and primarily the one you have with yourself. (which I also equate to your relationship with God).

"The greatest love affair you will have in your life is with yourself."

Now I don't remember that quote verbatim, but it is a line from "Sex in the City." A show that if you listen, carries great introspection. The writers were brilliant. They got it and articulated it through Carrie Bradshaw so well.

I share that sentiment. I live it. There is not a better time you get to know the true you than on a six hour ride. What are you about, who are you?

If you can't like yourself in those very alone moments, who will you like?

Find your truth , get personal, and only then can you find happiness in your heart. Be it in triathlons or something else, know that life is but a mystery, and a journey of self that can only be satisfied and reconciled should you look fear in the face and take that path.

Huh? Pinkgurugal waxes philosophical?

Okay, forget what I said. Pinkgurugal is heading to a photo shoot to be in a charity calendar. From granola girl to glamour girl. The irony.

Cheers and happy training!

“...Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” ~ Frank Herbert


Liam O'Connell said...

testing yourself is the only way to figure out what our makeup is. going about life in the "strip-mall, middle-management, mass-consuming, monday-night football obsessed" society takes us away from who we are. taking yourself to your physical limits hurts, but the reward is much greater than physical fitness. it is mental reprieve and knowledge and acceptance of a journey greater than ourselves(life) - that life is not on cable or dhl.

okay - enough of the deep -
liam out

Jane said...

The phrase of the year will be either "balls-hot" or "middle-management."

Liam is becoming yoda.

I am finding that overall, I respect triathletes for these reasons (in the post and liam's comments)

Anonymous said...

If I keep reading your blog I will eventually get my bike off the rack and take it out for a ride. :)

Jane said...

oh wait i forgot - Ally is Yoda.

Baun said...

Love this post and couldn't agree more with the sentiments and thoughts expressed!!

When I was talking to a friend yesterday about the health-related problems at the Chicago Marathon, she basically said she couldn't understand why people would put themselves through running a marathon or triathlon or Ironman or whatever. I've tried many times before to explain the allure of endurance sports just as you did above, but it's useless trying to explain it to somebody who doesn't believe. Either you get it or you don't. But once you 'get it', it truly becomes a lifestyle and permanent part of your fabric, like you said.

Baun said...

Btw, I was checking out the Ironstar web site (hoping it was end of Nov or in Dec... damn!). What's up with the bike distance being 59mi or 54mi??! Why can't they make it 56?! That messes up everyone's HIM performance comparisons...

greyhound said...

You do find out who you really are when you're all alone in the middle of a hard session or a race. Sometimes I like what I find, other times, not. But truth has a way of finding you.

BTW, I take it that calendar has nothing to do with spandex. Damn.

Lisa said...

Brilliant post! I couldn't agree more.

pinkgurugal said...

yoda, middle management, balls-hot are all esoteric terms.

oh year and the ironstar course baun, is a strange one. but i need goals dammit!!!!

oh and i am taking orders. i am miss may. all asian women from houston.