Suffering from a raging mold spore allergy headache, Pinkgurugal decided to sooth the brain by pulling out (once again) my.... NEVERENDING PILES OF MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS
These magazines are good for the occasional tips on injury prevention, shoes, profiles and eye candy watch.
Other than that they are just magazines filled with fitness product ads. I don't know why I subscribe to them, I just do because, what if I miss out?
I think I get Triathlon life for free though.
Fitness and National Geographic Adventure
I have no clue why Fitness comes to my house. It's always the same old rhetoric: drop ten pounds, toning tips, blah blah blah...
Now NG Adventure is a MUST. GREAT travel tips.
I usually tear out the places I'd like to/will visit and stick it in a folder.
This is my other LOVE :travel.
WANDERLUST. Isn't that a German word, HINT HINT? :)
Outside and National Geographic Traveler
Outside: An ALL TIME favorite!
Great articles that feed my need to explore. Terrific writers and lots of cool photography.
My love for this magazine began in 1997 when I became obsessed with the Mt. Everest disaster. I swear I must have been a mountaineer in a past life, because I've never climbed, and I grew up the daughter or immigrant parents living in Texas. Strange...
The article written by Jon Krakauer left such an indelible impression on me. That desire to test your boundaries and that mystical oneness with nature greatly appeal to me.
One day I WILL hike to base camp. Or when I'm ready to DIE maybe I'll head further up. Anyone up for the challenge?
NG Traveler: Just like its NG Adventure counterpart, this magazine also has cool travel ideas.
This month there is a spread about my own homeland, Vietnam. I'm heading there next year. I can't wait.
Now to Pinkgurugal's need for...
Current Events Cultivation
Time and Newsweek
You HAVE TO keep up with what's going on around you and your world. I mainly choose these weekly magazines because they are relatively easy reads written by decent journalists. A liberal bent? Maybe, but my centrist ways allow me to read between the lines.
And finally....
The New Yorker
If you haven't picked up this read, I would highly suggest it. Although I won't suggest subscribing unless you are retired and have a lot of time on your hands.
This magazine is arguably one of the best. The writing is nothing short of excellent, and you'll always read something interesting, be it a short story or an investigative piece.
Not to mention the sketches. Gotta love Ahmadinejad on last week's cover.
I have more of these magazines than any other. Again, I HATE to waste a good read.
Between a job, triathlon training, Vietnamese lessons, friends, family, and a sometimes semblance of a social life, I hate to admit my many magazines continue to sit there, as if to say, "please read me, please!"
Cheers and happy training, or reading on my part!
'Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it.' - Albert Einstein
That was a bit random.. But so true. It seems that the only time I get to catch on my mags is while traveling. Actually, in the airport or on a plane. But then I run into the other problem of picking up something new to add to my reading material that I'm already traveling with... You know, if this is on our top lists of complaints were leading pretty good lives...
that New Yorker cover is hilarious! (btw, that could be your angle on the next blog-war expose' with your blog nemesis...)
i have the same problem - i have a stash of Glamour and Cosmo that i don't know what to do with... jk! they're actually O (Oprah) and Teen Magazine!
ok, kidding, but i do have the same stack of Triathlete, Inside Tri, Runners World, other endurance rags, etc that i always mean to go back through for the good tips, training plans and such, but never do!
true that tarabay. welcome to the blog world btw. and people do read :)
Except for Time and Newsweek, you have the same collection of rags I get. Well, except for the New Yorker. I canceled it years ago because I felt guilty letting good writing pile up on dead trees in my house. Fitness started showing up mysteriously, and just as mysteriously stopped.
And all the Rodale publications (e.g., Runnersworld, Bicycling) totally annoy me with the monthly articles about how to lose 10 pounds fast or some such drivel.
Eat less. Move more. Wow. Revolutionary.
We love you pinkgurugal!
--National Geo Traveler's bloggers at Intelligent Travel:
For once a serious comment and not a salacious or silly one: but have Time and Newsweek have always been considered liberal? Maybe I'm way far to the left, but they seem sort of middle of the road to me. Now if you want liberal, read Utne Reader. It will turn you into a vegan, recycling socialist.
hey anyone want to come over and take some of my new yorkers is welcome. i hate killing dead trees too.
ooh utne reader...way out there.
another magazine must?
oh and LOVE the ng traveler blog...will become another likey likey blog!
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