Movie Memory
So I stole the title from the Sound of Music. Remember the days before cable, when this came on during the holidays? I still watch it when it comes on... I love Julie Andrews. Oh the age of innoncence .

Anyhoo, Ironbabe Jane tagged me to list the Five things about me. Like a dumb blond, at first i didn't know what she meant by tagging me. Then I figured it out. So here it goes (PG-13 version of course!)
Exclusive Admissions
1) I am an obsessive cleaner. And here's some evidence to prove it.

Even though I have a weekly lawn guy come to my home, the pine needles on my roof were bugging the crap out of me. Then I noticed gunk in my gutters. Then I blew them out. Who does this??

I saw a spot on my breakfast table and scrubbed it until it disappeared. OCD.
2) I sometimes pee in the shower. Too much information, but true.

3) I am generous with friends, but way cheap when it comes to me. I have been known to shop at either Buffalo Exchange (a resale shop) or Target for kids. Yes, I wear kids clothes. It's the only stuff that fits these days.

4) I sometimes act on impulse, like the time I decided within two days and bought a $750 airline ticket to see my parents because I missed them. And because I love a good deal, I gave up my seat and volunteered to take the next flight to get a $450 voucher. I'm convinced God gave me a break!
5) I am constantly 10-15 minutes late to everything, and that includes work, even when I am NOT pressed for time. I dawdle around the house. Or when I am in a rush, I bolt out the door like a hurricane. That's how my girlfriend Jessica so aptly describes me. She's right.

'Nuff said
Cheers and happy training!
"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built. "
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ok, you ARE a little strange! Good thing you didn't fall off the roof. By the way the last picture you posted of yourself was adorable. Do you have a set date for your travels yet? If I don't get back onto the site let me wish you, your family and friends the best of holidays. John (aka JP)
There is nothing wrong with blowing the leaves off your roof or cleaning your gutters, but the electric blower has got to go…. Now peeing in the shower is common, as a triathlete I’m sure you pee in the pool too… BUT I think the story within the story is with your shower curtin!!!! That’s awesome...
As for a dance off ?? bring it…
Oh and thank you, I’m aware of the payback dilemma.. Well have a college fund and emergency jail bond fund for the both of them…
And a Merry Christmas to you and your family....
Come by and we can get high off of my lortab, hehe.
Stand by,10 seconds to air! :)
Is that a leaf blower in your hand or are you just happy to see me???
love the shower curtain!!
you so are awesome..!!
Ah, a very graceful fairwell, well done... Happy New Year...
Happy new years to you!!
well truth be told that's not my shower curtain, just a photo off the internet.
mine's much more boring....
hey and i gotta do what it takes to get those damn leaves off my roof!
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