Chew on this
Firstly, if you are not into reading about NOTHING, then I suggest STOPPING now...

The following post is completely trivial, and it's just my wired head putting inane thoughts down in writing. No patronizing needed. Stop now. I warn you. It's boring stuff
I have had so many random observations this week on life and just stuff, but my hurricane-like lifestyle never managed to sit down and write about them until yesterday.
Truth be told, I am just plain unorganized and live my life in controlled chaos. Lists help, but lately it seems little gets crossed out. But I have a good excuse. Sometimes I am so busy at work i don't have time to eat. yum...raw ramen noodles... try it sometimes. it's crunchy

Social Scenery
I noticed my calendar for the month of December and like many of us, the holiday parties seem to never end. Not that I mind getting dolled up and having fun, but I need a little down time and haven't given myself any lately. But mmmm... I am having fun.

Then again, I'll have plenty of downtime once January rolls around and I am unemployed and be who I really want to be, and that's a gypsy hippie chick ready to jetset the world. I can't wait to stop juggling and play. I vote play.

From fit to fun?
Scrolling down prior blogs I noticed my life has morphed from hard core ironman training to normality. I've hardly ever talk about training. In fact, it's just social everyday stuff...
And no it's not normalcy... that's a coined FDR word post world war two...that "return to normalcy" slogan.

I feel ambivalent about this one. On one hand, I love sleeping in and just "working out". Conversely, without a training plan I have no real focus and feel a little lost.
Marathon training? least i run 3 times a week and have done one long 14 mile run. Does that count? probably not.
Swimming? mmm... not taking a master's swimming class like Trigreyhound or Kelly or Liam...I've been in the pool i think once in the last two weeks.
Biking? Brrrr. I'm a wimp when it comes to cold. In fact, my roomie Liam and I rolled out the other day, and I was covered with arm warmers, leg warmers, a headband, gloves and toe warmers. And it was probably 60 degrees. I have, however, gotten out the good ole bike trainer.
I miss my long rides though. But I do love to sleep in on Sundays.
Technology Torment
So the other day i'm at Best Buy.Not to shop, but to cover one of those perfunctory "What TV should I buy?" stories. Lucky me.
All my years of scribbling on a reporter's notepad put me way behind the eight ball when it comes to keeping up with technology. I always feel so intimidated walking around. Camcorders, tv's, memory cards..agghh... what is all this???
You may think because I blog I know all the ins and outs of techonology. Not the case. This is all a work in progress.
Speaking of work in progress.... I hope you enjoy my slide show. I love pictures. They are memories of good times. I'm a major sentimentalist if you haven't already noticed.
AND... since the training season is on break, I thought this rainbow photo compliments my new music.
I love the Brother IZ song. I hope you do too!

Cheers and happy training!
"Happiness does not lie in happiness, but in the achievement of it."
Fyodor Dostoevsky
I am glad you mentioned the Best Buy story because I could tell that you were not enthusiastic about that story.
I agree, sleeping in is a wonderful feeling. How about waking up and realizing that you still have 2 more hours to sleep? great feeling.. Oh, or looking in the bottom of the fast food bag and finding 3 more fries that are still warm... ah, thats a warm fuzzy...
Iz is the best!
okay, I have to admit that I've eaten uncooked ramen noodles. Maybe it's an asian thing
I like the new banner. Hott. And... it doesn't take up the whole page! ;)
That's nasty, uncooked ramen! I tried it once, I think, and couldn't go more than a bite. Maybe I'm not asian enuff.
Chow: Who is the artist that is singing somewhere over the rainbow? Great version.
ok, I tagged you for one of those 5-things-about-me tag posts. Wanna play?
I just want to tell you good luck on your future endeavors pinkgurugal. Saturday mornings will never be the same without you reporting the news while I drink my coffee and prepare for the weekend. You will be missed.
thanks for the well wishes's all becoming surreal...this leaving my job thing..
oh and jp it's called brother iz! :)
Chau: Thanks for the post. I love that version of "rainbow". I will have to look up this artist. I never heard of him before. I am going to miss you on Saturday mornings. I hope that you will be able to keep up the blog from time to time as you travel. It would be great to hear about your adventures. Any ideas of what you would like to do when you return?
hey jp,
thank you for your kind words. i can hardly believe it's about to end and i become a hippy! as to what i will do, who knows? travelling is in order... the next chapter is so far ..unwritten.
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