Winding down December
Once again we are in the waning days of 2007, and I find myself perhaps in the best place in my life, never happier, never more optimistic.

Much like Trigreyhound's remarkable year (go read it, it will inspire you), 2007 has been a whirlwind journey. I forged intimate bonds, fulfilled a goal that seemed impossible and made an incredible life change thanks to courage and inspiration.
When 2007 started, I joked to a friend that this would be the year of me. I didn't mean that in an egocentric or arrogant way, I just promised myself this would be my turnaround year.
2005 and 2006 were personally challenging years for me in many ways, so I vowed a fresh start.
Family and Friends

God blessed me with many new and old friends this year. If home is where the heart is, there was a lot of heart at mine. Home became the tri commune. The door was always open. You never knew who would stop in and say hi. But they were always welcome.

And I inherited a family. How we laughed..and cried...and shared in the sauce, and just plain hung out. A bunch of 20 and 30 something singles, with a love of fitness and triathlons, good and decent people, who found each other. How rare and how special.

Acting on an Ironman
If you asked me three years ago if I would ever do an Ironman, much less know what one was, I probably would have replied... "huh?"
What a journey, shared by someone who became my best friend and sister soulmate Kelly, with whom I have an unbreakable girlfriend connection like no other. It was Kelly who had the impulsive idea on September 2006 and said "hey, let's sign up for the 2007 wisconsin ironman."

One year later, there was no turning back.

How great it felt.

And how it empowered me for the next major life change. And that's my....
Career coming to an end
I'm only a few weeks away from the end of a 15 year television news career. It seems like yesterday I was a young pup hoping to break it into this business. It was everything and more than I imagined.
I report during the week, but i anchor the Saturday morning news. This show is my baby, and the my cohorts have become my family as well. Let's hope I don't tear up when I sign off on december 29th.

How the Ironman plays into this has to simply do with courage. I know it takes guts. I know it's ballsy. But I know I'll be okay.
Fear is not a word that exists in my world, or at least it RARELY rears its head into my world.
Fortuitous Find
I am convinced serendipity played a role in this one. On November 1st, something happened that has again changed my life. And that is, I met He who shall not be named.

HWSNBN is Rob Todd, a friend for many years. A friend who has now become my best friend and more.
What a way to culminate my year.
Life is hills and valleys, and I know there will be valleys ahead. But I'm on my hill, and I'm going to embrace it.
My oh my. It doesn't get any better than 2007.
I chose to live this year, and I chose to follow my dreams. And I choose to keep doing that. I hope you do too.
To friends, family, relationships, experiences happiness and love.

Cheers and happy training!
"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley
What a great post, Chau. You perfectly capture the essence of having "the courage to change" and choosing to live for your self, by your rules.
You deserve all the happiness you've made happen. I know this word gets tossed around a lot, but you've been an inspiration to me - and I'm sure many others through your blog and news reporting - about trying to live life to the fullest.
Hey, I want to recommend a movie that I think you should see before end of 2007, as a sort of capper to your life-changing year. I think it perfectly embodies the "I chose to live" determination you made. It's called To Live. Rent it. Stat! :) Don't find out too much about the movie or plot - just watch it. I promise that you will bawl your eyes like never before, and yet, in the end, you will be moved and feel uplifted about the human spirit beyond words. It's that good. And Gong Li is the star - enough said! She is a goddess...
Chou: You have inspired me for 2008. I can not tell you how much I look forward to your blogs. I really hope that things work out for you and Rob. Hopefully he knows what he has. You better post and include pictures from your travels!! John aka JP
You will be missed Chau. I am glad to see you so happy and I wish you much success.
hey guys, are the best. you are amazing, and i cannot wait for you to come down to texas. we connect in so many ways...kindred spirits...let's keep that going, and i WILL rent that movie. many blessings.
to john and anonymous, thanks for reading. i'm humbled by your comments. and i cannot wait to post pictures of my travels!
You just made me cry... :)
(That's a good thing.)
Now I'm going to cry.
crying is soooo allowed. I did last a happy way! :)
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