Halloween Party Pics (NC-17 Versions Only)
Even though Pinkgurugal hasn't always been a big fan of Halloween, I happily dressed up this year with many of my pals.
That's me, in...ahem... let's just call it a cat-like outfit. Jane's Addiction had on a highly creative outfit... she's Michael Vick after the dogs attacked. I think she looks adorable.
John Robertson was a nun. He and his fiance Anna hosted a small party.
Liam tried another look, but still looked...well, you be the judge.
And TriRyGuy threw on his trusty Indian suit. Scalp me baby!
Kids, let's do this again next year! :)
Cheers and happy training!
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" Ralph Waldo Emerson
You are so hot in that outfit.
Uhm . . . Meow. 'nuff said.
Can you send me the spanking photo? re: michael vick gets spanked by cat woman
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